Brazos County 4H Sportsman's Club

Brazos County 4H Sportsman's Club

Brazos County 4H Sportsman's Club

Our History

History of the Boswell Porter 4-H Shooting Range

The Brazos 4-H Sportsman’s Club was the first 4-H shotgun program in the nation. It was organized in 1976 as a result of parent interest in promoting shooting sports activities among youngsters. The Sportsman’s club served as a pilot 4-H project for the state of Texas, and as a result of its success, a statewide program was initiated. Because of the success of the program in Texas, the National Rifle Association became a cosponsor of the program nationally; and many states have initiated similar programs.

Brazos 4-H Sportsman’s Club members have excelled in competition at the local, state, national, and international levels winning numerous medals, trophies, belt buckles, scholarships, and other accolades. Shooters originating from our club have become members of the Texas A&M Team, the U.S. Olympic Shooter Development Team, and the U.S. Olympic Team.

Historically the 4-H Sportsman’s Club practiced at a public shooting range on the south side of College Station. In early 1996 the College Station range closed and the Club was required to find other places to practice. The Club used a single skeet field with trap overlay on Parten Wakefield’s ranch. The Club also traveled to the Waco Gun Club for practice. During that period of time the Club membership was around 30 students.

In 1997 the land on which the range is operated was donated by the Boswell Porter family. A non-profit corporation was formed for the purpose of taking title to the land, constructing the range and operating the range. The Sportsman’s Club cannot adequately express its gratitude to the Porter family for their generosity. But it is important for those who use the range to remember and understand that our use of the range remains a privilege and not a right.

Construction on the range improvements began in late February – early March of 1997. The early construction was performed by the Club members and their parents. The first Club event at the new range, the Brazos County Shoot, was held on Saturday, June 14, 1997.

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